Pariku Rikori
[More will be added every once in a while. No spoilers! tee hee..]
Full Name: Pariku Rikori
Age: 17
Birthday: September 25th
Height: 5'8"
Hair/Eye color: Orange/Green
Blood type: AB+
Astrological Sign: Libra
Family: None
Hobbies: Inventing, reading
Favorite foods: Grapefruit, lettuce sandwiches
Least favorite food: Coleslaw
Likes: Riddles, machines, fishing
Dislikes: Deliberate ignorance
Fears: Enclosed spaces
Favorite Animal: Fox
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Flower: Narcissus
Motto: "There is no greater weapon than intelligence, for anything stronger would simply take greater intelligence to create."
Anything else? Pariku is apathetic, cynical, and sarcastic most of the time, a very negative presence. However, every once in a while, he'll brighten up with a smile. He enjoys teaching (Even if he is a little pretentious about it sometimes) and loves to see people learn for themselves. Of course, if it takes more than ten minutes to explain something to someone, he gets extremely frustrated. He has mild psychic abilities, but usually doesn't use them unless he feels like it, which is sporadic.
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